Comprehensive Metabolic + Functional Physical
This whole-health assessment offers you a comprehensive "snapshot" of your health, which includes advanced diagnostic testing, a functional physical exam, and a detailed report of your health metrics. Once completed, you'll sit down with your healthcare provider to develop a health betterment plan that works for you - to get you where you want to be!
$ 999.00 CAD
$ 999.00 CAD

Functional Physical (Body + Sleep + Diet)
The Functional Physical360 assesses your immediate physical health with the support of an experienced physical health professional who will assess your body's physical abilities in addition to your sleeping patterns and nutritional intake. With your Physical360 report in hand, you and your Health Advocate will collaborate to create a personalized health betterment plan to help you reach your goals - whatever they may be.
$ 499.99 CAD
$ 499.99 CAD